candle ceremony wedding

Unity Wedding candles

Unity wedding candles have always symbolized the hearth. They, like no other attribute, add a special mystery and little touches to the special day. If you delve into history, for the first time a candle was mentioned in ancient Egyptian chronicles. Today, no wedding is complete without this attribute. Candles are produced in traditional and unusual forms, smooth and carved, decorated with beads, ribbons, rhinestones, feathers, fabrics, etc. The candle holders designed for candles are just as important. After all, it is not only a container for dripping wax but also an auxiliary platform for decoration.

The decoration of the banquet hall and the decoration of the wedding table with candles starts with the place intended for the bride and groom. It is here that the general concept and design solution is developed, corresponding to the general color scheme and attributes of the celebration.


votive wedding candle holders

taper candles for wedding table
candles for wedding tables

How to arrange wedding candles correctly

To get the most spectacular result, decorators use the following rules: First of all, candles must correspond to the chosen theme of the celebration. To do this, you need to select sets of champagne bottles of the same color and style, candlesticks, candles themselves, balloons, textiles, etc. Particular attention is paid to matching the size of the wedding table attributes. Excessively thin taper candles should be supplemented with large models. Select the design for candles, especially the handmade ones with great care.

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Wedding candle decorations

Different techniques are used to decorate unity wedding candles and candles in general:

Decoupage. This is the simplest technique known since ancient times. Why overpay for design work, if you can make such candles yourself? To do this, use candles of the right size, and three-layer napkins with the right pattern. Heat the desired section of the element to be decorated with the flame of another candle, and glue a cut or torn pattern. If desired, the remaining space can be decorated with paint, ribbons, beads, and any accessories.

Carved candles. These are amazing works of candle art. If the newlyweds have chosen this option as a wedding table decoration, then it is best to buy them. Because it is unlikely that you will be able to make such design delights on your own without certain skills and abilities.

Floating decorations. These are rather amazing and original compositions than standard products. Wedding decorations in a similar style have come into fashion relatively recently, but have already won a lot of fans.


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wedding candles ideas with-candles floating candles wedding centerpiece
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wedding floating candles


Candles with containers. Another relatively new invention of mankind. You can create different candle arrangements with candles in containers.


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wedding candles in jar

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What are wedding candles for?

Unity wedding candles are considered the most important attribute, symbolizing the union of two loving hearts in a single flame. In addition, it is a symbol of the family hearth, which is lit from the fire of parental candles and should be kept throughout their life together. Parents say parting words and congratulations to the young, after which they light a wedding candle. It is believed that this attribute can return the warmth of the family hearth, which has faded over the long years of living together. Many people wonder how many candles are needed for a wedding. As a rule, the newlyweds' table is decorated with 3 candles: 2 of them are given to parents, and the third, the largest candle symbolizes the future family hearth of the bride and groom.


unity wedding candles for unity ceremony


Ignite the family hearth at the wedding

This is a very beautiful, sincere, and exciting moment of the wedding celebration. It is noteworthy that both the parents of the bride and groom and all invited guests participate in the ritual of ignition and transfer of the family hearth.

Usually, the right to start this ceremony is given to the parents of the couple: they light a candle each and light one large wedding candle of the newlyweds from them - in this way they seem to pass their fire on to the young family.


unity wedding candles


Unity Wedding candles for family hearth

Candles are the main symbol of this long-standing beautiful tradition. Candle design may vary. And the bride herself can do it as well. Flowers, rings, and pearls will look good. If you manage to find a chameleon candle that changes color after lighting and then plays with a variety of colors, it will be an unforgettable sight! Such candles look amazing when the ceremony of the family hearth takes place in the dark: there is a feeling of some truly magical action!


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taper candles decoration for wedding

Unity wedding candles requirements for the ceremony

Despite the fact that any candles are suitable for conducting the sacrament of transferring the family hearth, there are still some requirements to follow.

  1. It is important that the candle of the newlyweds is different from everyone else, including the candles of the parents. It will be great if the young couple has the largest candle, different in shape, diameter, and design. By the way, the shape of the candle of the bride and groom can be different - it all depends on your preferences and taste. Parents can have taper candles, they will complement the large and solid main candle of the young. In addition, it is easy to light the guests' candles with taper candles.
  1. If you want to take a picture with your family hearth after the wedding, prepare a stand or candlestick for a candle in advance.
  2. It is recommended to decorate the candle yourself - this way you will transfer a particle of warmth and sincerity to your future family hearth.
  3. Candles are not the only item for this ritual. Depending on your desire, you can use aroma lamps. If you find it convenient and more effective. And in this case, the shape of the lamps can be chosen differently: from a ball to a house. Which would be very symbolic.  
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candle decor ideas with candles tapper candles wedding centerpieces
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Interesting Facts

There is a legend that a candle lit from a family hearth can fulfill any, even the most cherished desire. Therefore, all guests who were at the wedding and participated in this ceremony are advised to save their candles, which will remind them of that wonderful day when another wonderful young family was born. Later, the wedding guests can light their candles together with the married couple on the day of the anniversary of the marriage.


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