The magic of winter fragrances: choosing candles for home
Fragrances are magical. With their help, you can get rid of negative emotions, relax, cheer up and, of course, create a unique atmosphere of comfort in the house. The need for good aromas especially increases in the winter, when most of all we want warmth, light melancholy, and tranquility.
How to choose winter fragrances for your home
An innumerable number of existing fragrances are usually classified into different families: chypre, citrus, green, fougere, woody, spicy, amber, oceanic, fruity, floral, etc. Each group has its own special features that influence people. Spicy, citrus, and woody scents are more suitable for "winter aromas".
There are several ways to recreate this or that aroma at home. For example, using scented candles, sachets, home diffusers, essential oils, or incense. In addition, you can create a suitable aroma from improvised means.
In the East, for example, housewives often use this recipe: cinnamon, almonds, cloves, ginger, and mint are added to a pot of boiling water. While the aromatic mixture is boiling, the house is filled with a magical aroma. Next, the liquid is poured into a bowl in which several small floating candles are placed. Lighted candles will heat the water so that the house will be filled with a subtle and unobtrusive aroma. You can also add citrus zest and a few drops of citrus fruit juice to the liquid. The aroma of the citrus family relieves sadness and gives a charge of vivacity.
Candles for a home that bring happiness to the house
The term "aromatherapy" is probably known to everyone. Even in ancient Egypt, people noticed that some aromas can cheer up and increase human activity. The ancient Egyptians used the fragrance of myrrh and sandalwood for these purposes. And in China, it was believed that the best way to get rid of bad thoughts is the aroma of tea tree and rose.
Nowadays, experts have managed to accurately determine that smells have the most direct impact on the mood and well-being of a person. For example, to get rid of apathy and sadness, it is recommended to recreate the aroma of citrus fruits, sandalwood, bergamot, rosemary, and ylang-ylang in the house.
A pleasant smell in the house, which is best associated with winter comfort and, moreover, relieves depression, can be recreated using aroma candles for the home.
The aroma of cinnamon and vanilla is the best fit for a carefree winter pastime and for recreating an atmosphere of joy and celebration in the house. Such a delicious smell at home is associated with the aroma of fresh pastries, and this, in turn, brings back memories of childhood, in the company of which negative emotions are instantly neutralized. Moreover, in China, there is an interesting saying, the literal translation of which means: “Love and happiness reign in a house that smells cinnamon.” In addition to scented candles for home, sticks, sachets, and fragrance oils, such a favorable scent can be recreated with a pomander. Pomander is an aromatic ball created with fruits and spices. For example, you can take an ordinary ripe orange, pierce its skin in several places with a knife, generously spread it with cinnamon, and insert clove seeds into the cuts. Next, the fruit should be put in a dark place for several days, until it is slightly tied. After that, the pomander will exude a light pleasant aroma for many months.
Winter scents are invariably associated with pine needles. It is noteworthy that coniferous aromas perfectly relax and set in a positive way. The best way to bring the scent of evergreen beauty into your home is to have a pine bonsai or candles for home that have pine scents.
Winter fragrances for health
Besides the fact that smells eliminate depression, they can also save a person from colds and migraines. The most healing scents for winter are mint, rosemary, tea tree, patchouli, lavender, and cypress. As a prophylactic against colds, aromatic oils for home with the smell of chamomile, which has antibacterial properties, will help. Diffuse oils with these odors two hours before bedtime or light a chamomile-scented candle for home.
Citrus-scented scented candles for the home have an analgesic effect, therefore they are recommended for headaches.
To get rid of insomnia and normalize sleep, you need to make an aromatic sachet for the home. It is necessary to put dry lavender, lemon balm, and mint in a small fabric bag, and then fill it with cotton wool, which was previously soaked with essential oils of bergamot, nutmeg, and lemongrass.
To fill your home with the scents you desire, you can use one or more of these effective approaches:
- Diffuser. Diffusers automatically spray the fragrance filled into them based on essential oils or on a synthetic basis;
- Candles. The simplest way to make your home scented. Nowadays, a huge number of candles are produced with different scents, including the use of essential oils of pine needles and citrus, which can help create a festive atmosphere with a minimum of effort;
- Incense - natural incense that was used to aromatize homes thousands of years ago in ancient India;
- Home sprays. Spraying a room with a spray can be called one of the simplest procedures for aromatizing a home. However, it is important to choose a quality fragrance based on natural oils and not synthetic substances. In addition, you need to be careful not to overdo it with the amount of flavoring. Otherwise, this method of aromatization can cause dizziness and headaches;
- Bahoor. Specially processed wood fragments, which are additionally flavored. Before use, the bakhoor must be set on fire, it will leave a pleasant and unobtrusive aroma in the room;
- Pomander. It is made at home on the basis of fruits with the use of additional spices.
Winter candles for home
- "Delicious" candles with a delicate and unobtrusive aroma of ginger in combination with milk tea can significantly improve the well-being of residents;
- Candles with a rich cinnamon scent. Users who have chosen these candles note that they have such a pleasant aroma in the house as if a Cinnamon buns bakery was set up right in the kitchen;
- Candles with the aroma of mulled wine, cloves, nutmeg, and pepper have a special aroma for a merry Christmas, which will have a great effect on raising the level of the festive mood of all residents;
- The aroma of coniferous pine in combination with cinnamon and bergamot makes candles one of the best for creating a New Year's festive atmosphere in the house;
- Candles for home with a rich and natural scent of freshly peeled mandarin. Ideal for creating a festive New Year's atmosphere.
Properly selected winter fragrances for the home are not only an opportunity to cheer up and recreate the atmosphere of a holiday, but it is also a way to give your home a personality.
Surprisingly, the most persistent human memory is the memory of smell. And if your house smells like a holiday, comfort, and happiness, then all incoming guests will remember it this way.