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Beeswax candles benefits and Aromatherapy

Candles are silent witnesses of secrets, quiet friendly conversations, and heart-to-heart confessions. They spread light not only at home but also brighten the mind, allowing the imbuement of pleasure and comfort. Natural candles made from the wax of the bees can become not only a stylish décor that reflects our taste even during the daylight but they also have special target properties that can help us feel better!


benefits of beeswax candles



European candles of antiquity were made from various forms of natural fat, tallow, and wax. In Ancient Rome, candles were made of tallow due to the prohibitive cost of beeswax. The earliest surviving candles originated in Han China around 200 BC. These early Chinese candles were made from whale fat.

By the 13th century, candle-making had become a guild craft in England and France. The candle makers (chandlers) went from house to house making candles from the kitchen fats saved for that purpose or made and sold their own candles from small candle shops.

Beeswax candles appeared about this time. Beeswax, compared to animal-based tallow, burned cleanly, without smoky flame. Beeswax candles were expensive, and relatively few people could afford to burn them in their homes in medieval Europe. However, they were widely used for church ceremonies.

In 1850, paraffin was invented from oil and shale. Candles have become available for everyone.

beeswax candles and their benefits



Beeswax is the miracle of the beehive. In the simplest terms, it is a wax produced by honey bees of the genus Apis. Beeswax consists of at least 284 different compounds, mainly a variety of long-chain alkanes, acids, esters, polyesters, and hydroxy esters, but the exact composition of beeswax varies with location. It has a specific gravity of about 0.95 and a melting point of over 140 degrees F.

This wax made by bees occurs from light yellow to yellow-brown color and has a unique, very receptive odor.

Beeswax hardens at temperature, at about 104 F, it becomes soft and takes any shape. The melting point of beeswax is over 140 degrees F.


  1. Natural candles are good for health! Beeswax candles are completely natural, environmentally friendly products. They have the healing power of nature.
  • Neutralizing Pollutants: Beeswax candles produce negative ions when burned, and those ions help to neutralize pollutants in the air. This helps eliminate dust, odors, and mold in the atmosphere, easing allergy and asthma symptoms and improving breathing for anyone nearby.
  • Relaxation: The simple act of burning a candle has relaxing properties and can aid in stress relief and meditation. The mildly sweet, natural honey scent of beeswax candles can aid that relaxation without being overwhelming as artificially scented candles can become.
  • Safety: Because beeswax candles are all-natural and produce no byproducts, they are naturally dripless when used properly and are thus safer to burn. This avoids the risk of burns and other injuries that can result from burning other types of candles improperly.
  • Light: Beeswax candles have the brightest, purest light of any candles and are closest to natural sunlight. If the candles are to be used as a light source, this can help minimize eye strain and reduce headaches.
  1. Beeswax candles are durable! Wax is impervious to moisture and can be stored without the slightest change in shape and color and without losing its quality for a very long time. When heated and cooled, the wax layer does not crack. Such candles burn evenly, without fumes and unpleasant odors. There is no greasiness left on the hands. They can be used longer compared to other candles.
  2. You enjoy natural aromatherapy! Beeswax candles do not need to be artificially scented with chemicals. The aroma of candles has a positive effect on our nervous system. The smell of such a candle can bring peace and relaxation, will help to get rid of negative emotions, calm down and relax. The delicate, sweet smell of honey and pollen evokes good associations and memories of summer. Natural aromatherapy activates creative activity, unloads the subconscious, and helps to cope with the tasks of the situation that require analysis and intuition.
  3. A natural candle is an exclusive gift! It will certainly bring happiness, peace, and prosperity to every family! The fire of such a candle is able to burn the accumulated negativity, tension, and other "negative energies".


Beeswax candles benefits and Aromatherapy


Benefits of Beeswax Candles

  • All-natural
  • no added colors or fragrances are necessary
  • dripless in a draft-free area
  • clean-burning – no soot
  • may clean air and/or improve mood
  • made from beeswax – a renewable resource
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