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9 reasons to light scented candles in the house every evening

A candle symbolizes a person: the wax is the physical body, the wick is the mind, and the flame is the spirit. Psychotherapists recommend lighting scented candles in the house every evening to relieve stress and gain inner peace. It is very important to choose the right color of accessories and the right room for meditation.

9 reasons to light scented candles every evening


scented candles for wellness


Scented candles help to relax the mind

Have you ever noticed how relaxed you become when you look at the fire? It was said, that there are three things you can watch forever: fire burning, water falling, and other people working. When you watch the flame play, thoughts dissipate and worries go away. Do this in a comfortable place where you can be alone with yourself in complete silence. Sometimes it's good to turn off your brain and get rid of thousand thoughts in your head.

Aroma candles help relieve insomnia and restless sleep

If you scroll through your Instagram feed every night before going to bed, and then you can’t fall asleep for a long time, it’s time to change your habits. At first glance, harmless entertainment disrupts sleep, which is why you sleep badly at night and meet the new day completely exhausted. It has been proven that the blue light from your smartphone or laptop can seriously disrupt your sleep. It lowers magnesium levels, which can cause anxiety. Get into the habit of lighting lavender candles and eucalyptus candles an hour before bed to help you relax, allowing your body and mind to shut down until morning.


scented candles for insomnia


Candles clear the mind, help focus and solve problems

Meditation surrounded by candles not only relaxes the mind but also opens the channels of perception that have been blocked due to your crazy pace of life. When you feel that you cannot cope with all the problems, stop for a second. Sit between two lighted candles and listen to yourself. Think about your true desires make a list of pros and cons, or chant any mantra that has special meaning to you. You will definitely find ways to solve problems and calm down.

Candles help achieve perfect focus

If your attention is scattered, thoughts are confused, and you cannot focus on any important business, it's time to light candles. First of all, remove all annoying external factors: bright lights, noise and clutter. Then relax by the light of the fire for a few minutes and make a plan of action. Take these breaks regularly to boost your productivity.

Candles lift your spirits

Every time you feel down, spend time with lit candles. Mentally transport yourself to the happy moments of your life in order to understand and remember that happiness exists! You can also buy citrus-scented candles to lift your mood and morale. Lemon, orange, grapefruit and lime perfectly invigorate, drive away drowsiness and set you up for work.

Candles are good for mental health

If nervousness and anxiety have become your main companions in life, try scented candle therapy. Smells and fire have a positive effect on the nervous system, they reduce the stress hormone, help get rid of excessive anxiety, and will finally make you feel good.


scented candles for mind relaxation


Candles improve visualization

Do you have dreams but don't know how to make them come true? There are many visualization exercises and manifestation techniques in which you need to focus on the flame of a burning candle and send your desires to the Universe. Candles are also used during prayer.

Candles improve relationships with the loved ones

If passion and romance have left your relationship, and the bedroom has become the coldest place in the house, give a spark in the truest sense of the word. Lit candles throughout the ages were considered symbols of romance, love and passion. Add aphrodisiac scents - vanilla, jasmine, rose, ylang-ylang, sandalwood or patchouli - and your significant other will look at you with different eyes.

Candles improve the atmosphere in the house

If there is no mood at all on a cloudy rainy day and you cannot find a place for yourself at home, light a couple of candles. A cozy, warm and relaxing atmosphere will immediately be restored in the room, and you will feel happy again.


scented pillar candles


What colors should the candles be for the home? The meaning of candle colors

  • White candles represent protection from negative energy, harmony, tranquility, well-being and concentration. If people enter your home with negative thoughts, after they leave, light white candles in the house to clear the space and recreate an atmosphere of peace.
  • Yellow candles awaken creativity and strengthen self-confidence. It also promotes good communication on all levels, from the personal to the spiritual. If there are unresolved conflicts or misunderstandings between households, try to start a conversation with yellow candles lit.
  • Orange is a magnet for attracting positive energy and increasing motivation for new achievements. If you are tormented by laziness and apathy, you don’t want to do anything, light orange candles in the house every evening. Orange combines the power of yellow and red, and therefore increases peace and clarity of mind.
  • Red is the color of love, so if you need to create an intimate sensual atmosphere in the bedroom to get closer to your partner, it's time to buy red candles.
  • Pink candles are used for rituals aimed at promoting health and achieving physical well-being. It is also the color of romance.
  • Green is a symbol of abundance and good luck. This color helps with self-improvement and improves mental and physical performance. If you are exhausted and no longer have the strength to work, light green candles.
  • Light blue and blue candles are a symbol of calm and tranquility. If you want to achieve harmony with yourself, this is the perfect color. They also help to achieve mutual understanding and strengthen ties between family members.
  • Purple is the best choice if you need to clear your mind and think clearly in a responsible situation, it stimulates mental perception.
  • Brown candles help fulfill financial desires and increase perseverance to achieve your goals.
  • Black color is used for rituals of parting with the past that hurts you. Black candles help get rid of pain, negative energy, resentment, disappointment and everything that hurts your soul.
  • Gold is a symbol of masculine energy, the sun and energy, and is used for rituals designed to attract good luck and victory.
  • Silver is a symbol of feminine energy, used in protective rituals and to stimulate the imagination.
  • Violet - helps replenish energy reserves, releases karma and helps solve health problems.

candle color meaning

When should candles be lit in the house?

Fire awakens inspiration, brings creative and vibrant energy to your space, and cleanses it of negativity. And it also helps replenish energy resources. Light candles around the house when you feel tired, weak, lonely, or uninspired. This strong energy will help spice up your creative endeavors.

Where is the best place to place candles in the house?

The bedroom is the perfect place for meditation, rejuvenation and relaxation. Feng Shui experts recommend starting with this room. Another suitable place for these fire sources is the bathroom. Fill the tub with warm water, turn on relaxing music and enjoy.

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