11 Halloween decoration ideas for your house
Enhance your haunted house with our Halloween decoration ideas. Halloween is one of the most atmospheric holidays, the mysterious and slightly creepy atmosphere of which fascinates those who like to tickle their nerves. At the same time, this is an ideal time for creativity - you can always use your artistic and handicraft talents to decorate an apartment for the holiday. It will be fun and easy! To create beautiful DIY jewelry, you will need a trip to the store and make the most of what is in the closet. If you want your Halloween apartment to look eerily interesting, read on for our tips!

Halloween traditions
Halloween is perceived as an American tradition, spread by Hollywood films. However, its roots are much deeper, and it all began in Europe. On the night of November 1, the ancient Celts celebrated Samhain by lighting bonfires and wearing fancy costumes to ward off ghosts. In the 8th century, the Pope declared this date the day of veneration of all saints. Soon the two traditions became closely intertwined, and the evening before it became known as Halloween. Over time, feasts, carving lanterns from pumpkins, people dressed up in costumes, and receiving treats became the primary traditions of the holiday.
Halloween celebrations are taking over the world these days. On different continents, in different countries, the night of November 1 turns into an exciting holiday, a huge masquerade. There are theme parties, people decorate their houses with a Halloween theme, dress up in costumes and gather to watch horror movies. At the same time, each country boasts its own traditions of celebrating Halloween. In Ireland and Scotland, Samhain is still celebrated with games around fires and feasts. Japan holds the largest Halloween costume parade every year. In Poland, on the evening of October 31, people visit the graves of relatives, leaving burning lamps there - on this night, all the cemeteries of the country are flooded with bright lights. Here, in the US, we have the tradition of children going from house to house collecting sweets.
Halloween decoration ideas for a room
When preparing for a party, always keep the kids in mind and don't create an overly intimidating atmosphere at home. But even if there will be no children at the party, it is still worth giving the holiday a slightly frivolous character. Black humor is not a scary horror movie, but a parody of it. Therefore, when creating a mystical-terrible environment in a room, always adhere to certain rules.
- The combination of red, white, and black colors is a classic of the Halloween genre. But it makes sense to dilute them with fall colors to diversify the palette. Add natural browns, grays, or vibrant oranges and yellows to the three primary colors. Of course, not all at once, but only a couple to dilute the gloom of the "vampire lair" or "witch's hut".
- Lighting should be "twilight", muffled. To do this, use night lights, candles, or Christmas tree garlands that need to be arranged and hung in different places in the room. It is better to draw the curtains tightly so that there is a feeling of a closed space - like in a crypt.
- The décor of the room should match the theme of the party. These are cobwebs made of ropes in the corners, a pumpkin jack-o-lantern, and skeletons with nooses around their necks hung on the walls.
- The music should be dark and mysterious. For example, the sound of an organ or soundtracks from horror films.
- Well, the dishes on the table should look “terrible” and “nasty”.

11 Halloween décor ideas on how to decorate your house for the season
Bloody Candles

Making such frightening décor is easy. All you need is two types of candles - white and red. Cover the table with newspapers or sheets of paper and light a red candle. When it's hot enough, tilt it up and start dripping wax onto the white candle. Do this until the white candle is sufficiently covered with red wax.
Halloween decoration ideas with candlestick in bottles

For this, you will need taper candles and a dark, glass bottle. The bottle can be decorated with artificial cobwebs, gauze with spiders, or multi-colored wax. There are also multi-color dripping candles that will make your artwork fascinating. Check out our previous blog on how to create a wine bottle sculpture with dripping candles. You can also check this video out.
Door with a face

Such décor will especially delight children. If you do not want to injure the tender souls of your neighbors, decorate the door from the inside of the apartment. All you need is a double-sided tape, paper, and a little imagination.
Spider web with gauze
A very simple and at the same time effective way to turn a house from a beloved and clean home into a long-forgotten and abandoned one. Make an imitation of a web from gauze. For greater persuasiveness, you can put artificial spiders on this gauze.
Bloody prints
If there is neither time nor energy for a complex décor, then dip your hands in red paint and swipe across the window in several places. It looks intimidating as if someone was dragging the victim all over the place while getting some resistance. Some specialty carnival or art stores sell red hand stickers that leave no residue.
Ghost town
You know, at Christmas it's popular to make holiday villages with a bunch of glowing, cheerful houses and then put them on the windowsill. Why not take the same idea and apply it to Halloween? Let the house be completely black and empty (or with tealight candles inside).
Legs up
With sausage balloons, long leggings or tights, and a pair of shoes, you can make the entrance to your home intimidating, or at least surprising. We advise you not to hang your favorite shoes on such legs so that they do not disappear. Just in case.
Halloween Décor: Ghosts
Add some spooky and funny ghosts to your indoor spaces to make the party cool! They can be made of cheesecloth or white sheets – use some wire or coat hangers to give them a shape, and attach eyes of black fabric. You can make some ghosts of shredded trash bags or tape and attach them in the corner or to the wall.
Animated bottles
Accept the fact that, it looks creepy when inanimate things take on an essence. Do not throw away bottles of wine and lemonade on the eve of the holiday: they can be turned into Frankenstein, a mummy, or a witch.
Terrifying portraits
An easy and fun way to decorate your home for Halloween is to decorate family portraits with paper. You can cut out eye sockets from black cardboard and stick them over the eyes in portraits (this is for those who like it scarier), for more impressionable people, cardboard witch hats, mustaches or a Batman mask will do the thing.
Window monsters
We have already suggested using windows in decoration. In addition to bloody prints, you can add some funny monsters. Paper cutting of these monsters can keep kids entertained and can be art therapy for adults.